Title: Gathering for my gang!!
Venue : Parade
Time : 1100am
Date : 011008
Present : Yoong Wei, Pui Yin, Su Yan, Jia Min, Heng Yee, Bee Sim, Siew Chong,
Absent : Chien Len, Ju Ann
Content :
After being separate for such a long time(at least 3 months), we have come to this gathering at last. Indeep, this is really a good time to gather coz everybody will back during hari raya. OK, forget to tell my Malay friends and everyone, Selamat Hari Raya.
The story started like this. Jia Min sms us for the gathering. But Yan and I feel that we should gather in Yan’s house to overnight and climb hill the next day.However the plan changed and we will gather in Parade. Then Yan suggested that the gathering should start at 11am.
Haha..the funniest part appeared. Yan showed herself only after 12pm. Well…I really…Pei Fu!!
It is just like ordinary gathering. Like we only met each other yesterday. But we were told that Jia Min will only be back next year. I mean..i really miss her a lot..Feel so bu she de when I saw Jia Min left.
Deep in my heart, I know I will miss you guys. Just hope everyone will stay happy and healthy.(very kolot saying :P) See you all soon in the next long vocation.
Venue : Parade
Time : 1100am
Date : 011008
Present : Yoong Wei, Pui Yin, Su Yan, Jia Min, Heng Yee, Bee Sim, Siew Chong,
Absent : Chien Len, Ju Ann
Content :
After being separate for such a long time(at least 3 months), we have come to this gathering at last. Indeep, this is really a good time to gather coz everybody will back during hari raya. OK, forget to tell my Malay friends and everyone, Selamat Hari Raya.
The story started like this. Jia Min sms us for the gathering. But Yan and I feel that we should gather in Yan’s house to overnight and climb hill the next day.However the plan changed and we will gather in Parade. Then Yan suggested that the gathering should start at 11am.
Haha..the funniest part appeared. Yan showed herself only after 12pm. Well…I really…Pei Fu!!
It is just like ordinary gathering. Like we only met each other yesterday. But we were told that Jia Min will only be back next year. I mean..i really miss her a lot..Feel so bu she de when I saw Jia Min left.
Deep in my heart, I know I will miss you guys. Just hope everyone will stay happy and healthy.(very kolot saying :P) See you all soon in the next long vocation.
(left)me, yin, chong,sim,yan, yee, min
Wow..whose idea is this..feel so paiseh doing this in public..haha
Change post d..
She is our superstar!! Take care Jia Min..and GAMBATEH..
What are they doing?
Taking this pic in F.O.S
Reported by AshLey
p/s : I didn’t write secretary report for a long period de..
keep skin lar treasurer!
late for reason!!
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