Thursday, November 10, 2011

TGIF giveaway

TGFI, which is T-hank G-oodness I-t's F-REE is going to giveaway a Sweet Pink Banane Taipei which is worth RM 360. Come and grab it. Any further information please click here TGFI.
 Good Luck to eeryone.

♥ Fly awAy with Me ♥

Thursday, November 03, 2011



对,本小姐就是觉得这样。又热又晒的天气,快把我变黑了。兴趣来潮,我决定为自己准备简单又健康的午餐--》 火腿鸡蛋三文治。 (可以同时躲在冷气房里也不错嘛)


鸡蛋 - 1个
火腿 - 1片
青瓜 - 少许,切片
番茄 - 少许,切片
cheese - 1片

其实方法很简单哦。 先将鸡蛋和火腿烫熟,然后在切片了的面包上放上青瓜和番茄片,在用另一片面包夹起来,铺上一片cheese,火腿 和鸡蛋(切片)。最后,可以法规上自己喜爱的调味料(美乃滋,thousand islan, tomato sauce...)和放上最后一片面包。



♥ Fly awAy with Me ♥

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Argh~~Working Days

Without realising, I had been working in my current company for almost 2 and 1/2 months, which means i still have few weeks to go for my probation period only.

Frankly, there is no strict rules in the company, where most of he companies banned their workers facebook-ing during their work time. Maybe another word, there is no system as most other companies does. We can do our chit chatting, share our laugh and of course, when there are outsiders there, we must behave. Another freedom in the company is, the bosses are not always in the company.
Do all the shopping after lunch. All of these are the staff refreshment, another welfare from the company.
Enjoy my home cook lunch in the office. Thanks to MUMMY. ^^

Credit to my dear colleague. She prepared the salad for both of us. 

I think i have developed a lazy culture within myself. Don't think bad about me, when I need to do work, I will do my work with responsibility. However, I must change my behaviour.

Sometimes, the bosses will treat us lunch when their mood is good. This is  taken when I was on my way to enjoy buffet treated by a bos.

colleague no.1--> MIss Ong

Jamming all the times. Dislike raining when I am driving home.

I must be productive !!! No more laziness.
♥ Fly awAy with Me ♥