TGFI, which is T-hank G-oodness I-t's F-REE is going to giveaway a Sweet Pink Banane Taipei which is worth RM 360. Come and grab it. Any further information please click here TGFI.
Good Luck to eeryone.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Thursday, November 03, 2011
对,本小姐就是觉得这样。又热又晒的天气,快把我变黑了。兴趣来潮,我决定为自己准备简单又健康的午餐--》 火腿鸡蛋三文治。 (可以同时躲在冷气房里也不错嘛)
鸡蛋 - 1个
火腿 - 1片
青瓜 - 少许,切片
番茄 - 少许,切片
cheese - 1片
其实方法很简单哦。 先将鸡蛋和火腿烫熟,然后在切片了的面包上放上青瓜和番茄片,在用另一片面包夹起来,铺上一片cheese,火腿 和鸡蛋(切片)。最后,可以法规上自己喜爱的调味料(美乃滋,thousand islan, tomato sauce...)和放上最后一片面包。
对,本小姐就是觉得这样。又热又晒的天气,快把我变黑了。兴趣来潮,我决定为自己准备简单又健康的午餐--》 火腿鸡蛋三文治。 (可以同时躲在冷气房里也不错嘛)
我的午餐^^ |
鸡蛋 - 1个
火腿 - 1片
青瓜 - 少许,切片
番茄 - 少许,切片
cheese - 1片
其实方法很简单哦。 先将鸡蛋和火腿烫熟,然后在切片了的面包上放上青瓜和番茄片,在用另一片面包夹起来,铺上一片cheese,火腿 和鸡蛋(切片)。最后,可以法规上自己喜爱的调味料(美乃滋,thousand islan, tomato sauce...)和放上最后一片面包。
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Argh~~Working Days
Without realising, I had been working in my current company for almost 2 and 1/2 months, which means i still have few weeks to go for my probation period only.
Frankly, there is no strict rules in the company, where most of he companies banned their workers facebook-ing during their work time. Maybe another word, there is no system as most other companies does. We can do our chit chatting, share our laugh and of course, when there are outsiders there, we must behave. Another freedom in the company is, the bosses are not always in the company.
I think i have developed a lazy culture within myself. Don't think bad about me, when I need to do work, I will do my work with responsibility. However, I must change my behaviour.
Frankly, there is no strict rules in the company, where most of he companies banned their workers facebook-ing during their work time. Maybe another word, there is no system as most other companies does. We can do our chit chatting, share our laugh and of course, when there are outsiders there, we must behave. Another freedom in the company is, the bosses are not always in the company.
Do all the shopping after lunch. All of these are the staff refreshment, another welfare from the company. |
Enjoy my home cook lunch in the office. Thanks to MUMMY. ^^ |
Credit to my dear colleague. She prepared the salad for both of us. |
I think i have developed a lazy culture within myself. Don't think bad about me, when I need to do work, I will do my work with responsibility. However, I must change my behaviour.
Sometimes, the bosses will treat us lunch when their mood is good. This is taken when I was on my way to enjoy buffet treated by a bos. |
colleague no.1--> MIss Ong |
Jamming all the times. Dislike raining when I am driving home. I must be productive !!! No more l |
Thursday, October 06, 2011
Oh..It is Convo
Time flies. Finally is my turn to graduation. What a long waited moment. Happy graduation to myself and happy working for me. Though I rather go back study than working. Who loves working right??
Sunday, October 02, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Up and Down
After dump my blog for few months, and here I AM BACK. LOLz...
Internship had long ended weeks ago. After struggling to stay or to leave the current job right now, a conclusion has not yet been decided. Nevermind, I will try for few months to check whether the job suits me right.
A little briefing about my current job. It is a developer yet a contractor. Yes, this is what we call "in house trading". I am the only QS (maybe I am not entitled to be called as QS for both parties. The system here is
Lousy days I have for few weeks. Too much problems and workload to me. I can't really have proper rest with all the work done and stress-free. Money making is not easy. Anyway, my easy life is back temporary.
Friends are important to our life. No one should live without friends. They are somehow some reasons to cheer me up when I am down.
Still feeling stress???
As you know, when life is stress, food is always the best medicine to destress..
Stress is gone. BUt, why there is some kind of miserable feeling in me???
I am wondering.
OHhh~~ it is a feeling, which i would say: I miss you. XDXD
Internship had long ended weeks ago. After struggling to stay or to leave the current job right now, a conclusion has not yet been decided. Nevermind, I will try for few months to check whether the job suits me right.
A little briefing about my current job. It is a developer yet a contractor. Yes, this is what we call "in house trading". I am the only QS (maybe I am not entitled to be called as QS for both parties. The system here is
Lousy days I have for few weeks. Too much problems and workload to me. I can't really have proper rest with all the work done and stress-free. Money making is not easy. Anyway, my easy life is back temporary.
Friends are important to our life. No one should live without friends. They are somehow some reasons to cheer me up when I am down.
Still feeling stress???
As you know, when life is stress, food is always the best medicine to destress..
Pumpkin soup at San Francisco Steakhouse with my ex-colleagues. Thumbs up for this. |
Discovered a nice place for lunch. --> O' PLace at greentown. Budget meal but a nice one. |
Dessert time at Tang SHui Jie with mixed fruit ice. ^^ |
盆菜@ 东海with big prawns and scallops. A pre-mooncake festival dinner for my family. ^^. Big thumbs are. It is only RM138 + each. |
Stress is gone. BUt, why there is some kind of miserable feeling in me???
I am wondering.
OHhh~~ it is a feeling, which i would say: I miss you. XDXD
The one I miss after long period not seeing him. |
My sick face during dating > Another way to destress..... ''O.O'' |
Shopping do cure. But, watch out for budget ya.....O.o |
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
When a problem settled,
another problem come.
Life isn't that smooth and happy sometimes,
but hang on,
bear the stress,
bear the responsibility.
Tell yourself,
no matter how.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
其实有想过要不要写这样一篇文章,因为觉得我自己不想要搭这趟顺风车。可是,今天我看了这篇文章过后,我觉得很激动,也很感动。反对政府打压净选盟的手法,为政府阻止和平集会的方法而汗颜。 心里深深的不满,为什么可以有一个自以为是的政府?
在这里要和大家分享一个link:这个短片,让我们看到在世界各个城市举办的Bersih 2.0和平集会,那些身体力行支持大马的人民,让我很感动。
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Kota Kinabalu Trip 哥打京那巴鲁之旅
真的要谢谢air asia,因为它让我实现了去很多地方旅行的梦想。因为二月又有promosion的关系,我又订了去哥打京那巴鲁的机票了。(将简称kk)
感谢Uncle Chong (朋友父亲)做我们的导游。其实第一天没有很多活动,因为到达kk机场已经中午,所以我们先去吃午餐。要先提一提,kk的消费还蛮高的。一顿个人份的烧肉饭要RM5.50,但是我得澄清它的分量是蛮大的。所以虽然贵,可是算物有所值吧。
背后的建筑物真是yayasan sabah了。
第一站是先去拍照,地点是yayasan sabah的建筑物。可是,烈日当空下,我们是速战速决哦。真的是太晒太热了。由于第一天真的没有安排到什么节目,所以我们去了当地的购物中心1 borneo逛逛。过后才去了unimas走走看看。
晚上是自由行,我们去了旅店附近的Welcome Restaurant吃海鲜大餐咯。值得一提的是,若没有熟人介绍,相信我们会傻乎乎的去到别的昂贵的海鲜馆了。这件餐馆的地方还蛮隐蔽。我们找了一些时间才抵达目的地。
第二天早上,Uncle Chong 一大清早就来酒店接我们了。我们要去KUNDASANG了!!
Kundasang离KK市区还蛮有一段距离的。我们做了起码一个小时的车程才到达一个小市镇享用美味的的早餐。然后又匆匆继续旅程了。 然后uncle有待我们到一个像集市的地方。那里有很多小档口,都有卖纪念品,手信还有沙巴的土产。Uncle还请我们吃了黄梨。说真的,这里的黄梨超好吃的。又甜又多汁,名副其实的juicy。要进口里就喷出了满口甜甜的果汁,而且重点是不会割舌头。我吃过很多黄梨都会让我觉得舌头痛痛的,所以我没有很爱吃黄梨。但是这里的黄梨却让我一连吃下好多片,超赞。 逗留集市大约一个小时,我们又继续上路了。
沿着去Kundasang的路程,我们都可以看待那雄伟的Mount Kinabalu。一个温馨小提示,去Kundasang的一时段山路,所以会晕车的朋友们最好自备些药物之类的防止晕车哦。由于天公不作美,看起来天黑黑要下雨似的, Uncle Chong就先载我们去泡温泉。这里有小型的jungle walk和走吊桥的活动,还有瀑布呢。可惜我们时间不足,不然我们可以去瀑布嬉水。而且听uncle介绍说瀑布那有天然的小鱼可以做fish spa呢。
要先提一提这里的收费,需要入门票,然后如果想要jungle walk(包括瀑布)需要另外收钱。Jungle walk之后我们才去泡温泉。温泉 有分公共温泉和室内温泉。公共温泉收费很便宜,可以几个人一共用一个(有很多公共温泉),可是我不建议大家泡这个温泉。一来这里的温泉的水流量很小,uncle说可能跑了一个小时水才会伸到膝盖部位。所以我们接纳uncle的建议租了两间室内温泉,大概一间可以容纳五六个人。价钱是会比公共温泉贵些,但是胜在有私人空间,而且温泉水可以几分钟内装满。
这这个是是我预算外的活动哦! 我们要去看莱佛士花(rafflesia)了。它是世界上最大的花朵,虽然色彩鲜艳,却会发出臭味。经过一轮杀价,我们终于以RM10一张票去看花了。原来莱佛士花身在山中,我们得走一段路终于看到它了。可惜,这朵很小,直径大概30cm里而以。当时的我是真的很失望,觉得十块钱看这么一朵小莱佛士花很贵。可是后来听uncle解释说原来莱佛士花开花不易,而且开花只有大概五天,然后就会枯萎了。因为不常有,所以当地人总是需要很常注意它的生长。而且我们去观赏这朵莱佛士花的时候是它开花第二天,它最美的是第二和第三天。
场。还好我们来得及在牛奶厂关之前抵达。喝着刚买的一盒从冰箱拿出来的鲜牛奶,吹着山上的冷风,我要发抖了。这里的天气真的很冷,所以适合模样一群奶牛。哈哈,觉得我自己像到了纽西兰一样。天逐渐变暗了,不是下雨啦,而是晚上了。Uncle带我们到mount kinabalu公园(应该是登山者先要报到的地方)坐车环绕一圈。当车停在一边,我们冒着冷到发抖的机会走出车外,虽然天已经黑暗一片,可是我们趁着闪电发出的光芒,望着对面那座雄伟的京那巴鲁山,心里却是十分的激动和感慨。
又是一天的好开始。逗留在KK应经的三天了,今天我们要去附近的岛屿游玩了。这里的海水蛮清晰,比我之前去的pangkor和port dickson清晰的多了。这里我先出了我很多的第一次。第一次玩这种降落伞,第一次浮潜,第一次我看到了让我难忘的海底世界,让我惊叹不已。第三天没有什么可以写,因为都是在岛上玩而已。下午前我们就回到市区了。去寻找一当听说很好吃的肉骨茶,逛了菲律宾市场。。。
p/s: 这篇游记拖了这么久,竟然是我在上班得空的时候写完的,很汗颜。><
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