Thursday, November 11, 2010

Charlie St Cloud

Watched this movie months ago, and thinking of writing the review for this movie.

Part of the reasons I went to watch this movie Is because of my friend.

Back to the topic, Charlie St Cloud is a good sailor and lives happily with his brother. The plot started with the scenario where he won the boat race and he got scholarship for a university. Life seems happy after all. However, they met with car accident and his brother died. And Charlie seemed giving up his life and university scholarship.

Honestly, I didn’t really understand the plot starting from the part where he saw his “brother”. I thought it was his illusion that he saw his dead brother due to his sadness. Somehow I managed to realize that it was really his brother’s spirit that met him every sunset. Later he met with Tess’s spirit, not realizing that she was a spirit too. When Charlie found out that Tess had gone missing while sailing through a storm a few days earlier, he decided to look for her with his friends. He missed his game with his brother. The story has a happy ending where Charlie found Tess and both of them sail around the world.

Actually I felt quite boring with the movie line, not outstanding at all. Some parts of the movie were touching, but still I think that the movie is confused and boring.

Overall, this movie is just so so. But Zac Efron will be the main attraction that kept you finished the movie as I did.

♥ Fly awAy with Me ♥

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